Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The House At Riverton - (Downton Abbey Withdrawal, Anyone?)

We consume TV seasons in our household much like Cookie Monster does cookies.  (Full season?  Me want! Nom. Nom. Nom.)  Needless to say, Season 4 of Downton Abbey was finished within a week or so of it arriving in our mailbox.  The episodes paraded by before my Downton Abbey fix was satisfied.  Luckily, I had something waiting on my bookshelf to ease the withdrawal symptoms: The House At Riverton by Kate Morton.

The novel is split into four parts.  Narrated by Grace Bradley, a 98-year-old archaeologist who lived many of her years in service at Riverton House, working for the Hartford family.  Told through a series of flashbacks, realizing she is nearing the end of her own life, Grace slowly reveals and untangles years of family secrets, including what really happened the night of a mysterious suicide on the family estate.

If you need more Downtown Abbey, here's your ticket.